God provided all our needs despite the economic difficulties
Summer trip to Bosnia confirmed our continued involvement there.
God provided property for Apprenticeship to Jesus (A2J)
A2J Session I was amazingly fruitful—foundations were built upon and the ministry is growing and impacting more young people and bearing fruit in downtown phoenix
2009 Immediate Plans
Jan. 5th-9th—Heading to Frisco, Colorado for annual in-country Antioch Network Gathering, the apprentices will be joining me, but Nols and the kids will stay home.
January 15th—A2J Session II begins & apprentices living with us have doubled
February 6-7th–Take My Life Conference year five http://takemylife.org/
Prayer Requests—“In the midst of Growing Pains”
Another young leader or young couple to come alongside Noleen and I in leadership role(s)
For God’s appointed connections and partnerships with other churches and ministries
That God will continue to bring those he wants to participate with us at the perfect time
Wisdom on communicating Apprenticeship to Jesus—working on an A2J website
More property for the apprentices God is continuing to bring and also property for ministry to serve the vulnerable, needy, and refugees in our community.
For each of the apprentices (see photo below)

Spring 2009 Apprentices: Noleen, Shannon Murphy, Amber Hunter, Kristen Vestal, & Jen Flocken, Ryan, Frederick Moor, Tyler Williams, Jason Sicliano, Jose Baca