Noleen here, we wanted to give you an update on our housing and loan situation. We want to tell you about a huge praise first! A week ago we were given two separate one-time gifts that bumped up our year-to-date income through Antioch Network, which allowed us to qualify for the loan. We submitted the loan application last Tuesday morning and it is now in underwriting. We are hoping to find out by the end of the week if the loan is approved! Please continue to pray with us.
Please also pray for Keilah, she is doing better now, last week was difficult as she was fighting an urinary tract infection. After she has recovers we will have to get some extensive tests done to see if there is any kidney damage or other anatomy issues.
We are doing really good, enjoying this season of being together as a family, wishing we were overseas, but trusting God for his timing!
Thanks for your continued support and love!
Love the Thurman Family,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan and Keilah
Meet the Thurmans

July 13, 2006
Thurman Update #20 (Written June 8th, 2006)
Greetings from Baltimore !
I am here for five days for Antioch Networks bi-annual staff meetings. I came out a day early to help make all the arrangements and spent all of yesterday making 1 & ½ hour round-trip airport pickups. Thus the day in the life of part of the ways I serve within AN. Today was the first official day and it has been wonderful. Our time together are not planning meetings, but more accurately a five day prayer meeting where we seek Gods heart and planning is a bi-product of our time with God!
I write to you to once again thank you for walking this year-long journey with us! I also write to ask that you be praying for our family. We are at a critical time with needing to discern Gods next step for us. I just received a phone call from the non-profit organization that is building our home stating that we may no longer qualify for a loan for the house, because we do not make enough income. Please pray very specifically that God would increase our support through AN or that God would open up a part-time job that would supplement our income!
I also wanted to share Gods miraculous provision for us. Two weeks ago we felt the Lord calling us to move out of Noleens parent’s house. We set the date for June 1, not knowing where we would go or how we would afford a place for the summer. It just so happens that on June 1st the Tannous house opened up for us to move into for the summer. They are allowing us to pay what we can afford for the summer. We will be staying there until mid-August and Lord-willing our home will be ready to move into in September and we will have means for the loan so we can move in!
Thank you so much for your prayers, love and support!
We are so Grateful!
Love the Thurman Family
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
I am here for five days for Antioch Networks bi-annual staff meetings. I came out a day early to help make all the arrangements and spent all of yesterday making 1 & ½ hour round-trip airport pickups. Thus the day in the life of part of the ways I serve within AN. Today was the first official day and it has been wonderful. Our time together are not planning meetings, but more accurately a five day prayer meeting where we seek Gods heart and planning is a bi-product of our time with God!
I write to you to once again thank you for walking this year-long journey with us! I also write to ask that you be praying for our family. We are at a critical time with needing to discern Gods next step for us. I just received a phone call from the non-profit organization that is building our home stating that we may no longer qualify for a loan for the house, because we do not make enough income. Please pray very specifically that God would increase our support through AN or that God would open up a part-time job that would supplement our income!
I also wanted to share Gods miraculous provision for us. Two weeks ago we felt the Lord calling us to move out of Noleens parent’s house. We set the date for June 1, not knowing where we would go or how we would afford a place for the summer. It just so happens that on June 1st the Tannous house opened up for us to move into for the summer. They are allowing us to pay what we can afford for the summer. We will be staying there until mid-August and Lord-willing our home will be ready to move into in September and we will have means for the loan so we can move in!
Thank you so much for your prayers, love and support!
We are so Grateful!
Love the Thurman Family
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
Thurman Update #19 (Written May 20th, 2006)
I hope this letter finds you all doing great! It is quickly closing in on our one-year anniversary with Antioch Network! We have set aside time this week to reflect on this past year and seek Gods counsel for this upcoming year! We feel we’ve accomplished what God had for us in this first year we were able get to know the majority of the AN staff as we worked closely with them on the projects in Cyprus, Germany, Africa, and Mexico. This gave us an overall perspective of the vision and work of AN, as well as allowing the AN team get to know us! We wanted to share with you what we feel the Lord saying to us:
How our role is developing:
1. Part of the International Team
2. Development of Pursuit of God/Apprenticeship to Jesus(Discipleship training)
3. Continue working with George Miley and Hanna Miley
4. Working with Dan Kane on “Apprenticeship to Jesus”
5. Developing 24x7 prayer center in Phoenix
Our role is continuing to develop as Antioch Network is growing in its understanding of the role of pursuit of God and Discipleship within its call to the Nations.
We are committed to working to supplement our income until we are fully supported through Antioch Network.
We will have to discern soon, whether or not I will need to get another part-time job.
We have started a Photography Business, (our first phase is making cards), more on this later
With our current financial situation it does not look like we will be able to participate in the summer work in Germany . Please pray with us that God would supply the resources necessary for us to go. If God has other plans, pray that we would discern what they are for us this summer! Thanks for your support for us this first year! We would love to have you continue to partner with us!
We are grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & Keilah
How our role is developing:
1. Part of the International Team
2. Development of Pursuit of God/Apprenticeship to Jesus(Discipleship training)
3. Continue working with George Miley and Hanna Miley
4. Working with Dan Kane on “Apprenticeship to Jesus”
5. Developing 24x7 prayer center in Phoenix
Our role is continuing to develop as Antioch Network is growing in its understanding of the role of pursuit of God and Discipleship within its call to the Nations.
We are committed to working to supplement our income until we are fully supported through Antioch Network.
We will have to discern soon, whether or not I will need to get another part-time job.
We have started a Photography Business, (our first phase is making cards), more on this later
With our current financial situation it does not look like we will be able to participate in the summer work in Germany . Please pray with us that God would supply the resources necessary for us to go. If God has other plans, pray that we would discern what they are for us this summer! Thanks for your support for us this first year! We would love to have you continue to partner with us!
We are grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & Keilah
Thurman Update #18 (Written April. 30th, 2006)
Well it is finally done! I just finished the Senegal Blog. Please browse through the pictures and stories. all you have to do is click this link: http://woloftrip.blogspot.com/ (if that doesnt work than cut and paste it)
When you first get to the blog page look at the right hand side of the screen and it will give you a link section that has some of our past blog pages. (all you have to do is click on them to see them) Most of you have seen them, except the Mexico one, which is new as well!
I also wanted to remind you that we will be having a time of sharing at Bob Thal's house next Saturday May 6th from 4 to 6pm. It will be an important time for us as we are closing in on finishing our first year on staff with Antioch. If you can make it, that would be Awesome!
Call us if you have questions! If you would be willing to bring an snack let us know as well!
Ryan, Noleen and Family
When you first get to the blog page look at the right hand side of the screen and it will give you a link section that has some of our past blog pages. (all you have to do is click on them to see them) Most of you have seen them, except the Mexico one, which is new as well!
I also wanted to remind you that we will be having a time of sharing at Bob Thal's house next Saturday May 6th from 4 to 6pm. It will be an important time for us as we are closing in on finishing our first year on staff with Antioch. If you can make it, that would be Awesome!
Call us if you have questions! If you would be willing to bring an snack let us know as well!
Ryan, Noleen and Family
Thurman Update #17 (Written April. 12th, 2006)
We have been really busy since returning from Africa. Indeed we made it home safe! But things have been challenging, especially becuase both our little ones have been battling RSV since we have been back. Last night we had little Keilah, at the ER from 2 A.M.-7 A.M. She was having trouble breathing because of the the RSV she is battling, she is doing better today! Keep praying for us please.
We are hoping to send out a Senegal Report in the next few days with a blog page so you can see photographs and read stories, look for it!
I also wanted to ask if any of you might be interested in hosting and or helping out with our next little get together! We were hoping to have a time of sharing about Senegal and about our upcoming Summer work on either Saturday May 6th or Sunday May 7th. If interested that would be awesome! Call me or email me!
p.s. and if you want to check out Antioch Networks web page it has been updated, check it out: http://www.antiochnetwork.org/
p.s.2 come check out the 24x7 prayer that Christopher Sugata and I and others are helping facilitate around the valley, this one is at One Place, which is in dowtown Phoenix! (April 9th-16th)
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan and Keilah
We are hoping to send out a Senegal Report in the next few days with a blog page so you can see photographs and read stories, look for it!
I also wanted to ask if any of you might be interested in hosting and or helping out with our next little get together! We were hoping to have a time of sharing about Senegal and about our upcoming Summer work on either Saturday May 6th or Sunday May 7th. If interested that would be awesome! Call me or email me!
p.s. and if you want to check out Antioch Networks web page it has been updated, check it out: http://www.antiochnetwork.org/
p.s.2 come check out the 24x7 prayer that Christopher Sugata and I and others are helping facilitate around the valley, this one is at One Place, which is in dowtown Phoenix! (April 9th-16th)
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan and Keilah
Thurman Update #16 (Written Feb. 24th, 2006)
We wanted to send out a reminder of our get together next Saturday the 4th of March at our parent’s house @ 4p.m. The focus of this time is to be with you, our friends. We look forward to visiting, fellowshipping and praying together!
As most of you know when I first joined Antioch staff we knew this first year would be an opportunity to get my hands on as many projects as I could and work with as many of the staff as possible so that we as a family could best discern where the best fit for us within the many works of Antioch Network. In Senegal I will be working with Mark Snelling, President of Antioch Network, who also is part of Adventure of Faith Church. They have adopted the Wolof people of Senegal in West Africa; specifically the people of a village called Sorokogne.
It is here that we will work with missionaries in the towns and villages to establish a meaningful long-term relationship with the Wolof people.
We are currently involved in two projects: the first is raising money for solar-powered mp3 players that will play the books of the Bible in their language and the second is raising money for mosquito nets because of the spread of Malaria by mosquitoes.
The other thing we will be doing is participating in the Wolof Consultation, which was created as a network of churches, organizations, and individuals who have a focus on the Wolof people to have the opportunity to pray, plan, and work together.
Hope to see you next Saturday!
We are grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & Keilah Thurman
As most of you know when I first joined Antioch staff we knew this first year would be an opportunity to get my hands on as many projects as I could and work with as many of the staff as possible so that we as a family could best discern where the best fit for us within the many works of Antioch Network. In Senegal I will be working with Mark Snelling, President of Antioch Network, who also is part of Adventure of Faith Church. They have adopted the Wolof people of Senegal in West Africa; specifically the people of a village called Sorokogne.
It is here that we will work with missionaries in the towns and villages to establish a meaningful long-term relationship with the Wolof people.
We are currently involved in two projects: the first is raising money for solar-powered mp3 players that will play the books of the Bible in their language and the second is raising money for mosquito nets because of the spread of Malaria by mosquitoes.
The other thing we will be doing is participating in the Wolof Consultation, which was created as a network of churches, organizations, and individuals who have a focus on the Wolof people to have the opportunity to pray, plan, and work together.
Hope to see you next Saturday!
We are grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & Keilah Thurman
Thurman Update #15 (Written Feb. 16th, 2006)
Hope this letter finds you remembering that there is a meaning beyond absurdity, and sure that every little deed counts, that every word has power. Never forget that you can still do your share to redeem the world in spite of all absurdities and frustrations and disappointments.
We are doing our best to remember this truth as we have been near the point of complete exhaustion recently because of the challenges of sickness, stress, failure, and circumstances that can lead to hopelessness.
Yet our hope is sure because it is in Jesus and our confidence is in Him. We are continually amazed at how creative and capable He truly is to hold us in the palms of His hand. To stop and reflect on the continual provision He provides through His body, other believers, (that’s you guys), is such an important discipline. I think that is why so many Psalms (the prayer book of the Bible), are continually remembering and testifying to Gods wonders and deeds of power and provision. I better reel it back in; I know how hard it is to try to read long emails.
We wanted to let you all know two important updates:
We will be having a time of sharing on Saturday March 4th at my parent’s house @ 4:00 p.m. (Please mark your calendars). We will be giving a brief update of the direction of our work with Antioch Network. But mainly we desire just to be with you. We would also value having a focused time of prayer for the upcoming ministry in Senegal.
March 5th I will be leaving for Africa, my family will be leaving March 6th. We will be able to spend almost a week in South Africa getting time with Noleens Family then I will fly up to Northwest Africa, Senegal, to do ministry work with Antioch Network. We will be ministering among the Wolof People. Click on this link if you want to know who the Wolof are:
Prayer Requests: We are asking God to give us the wisdom to ask a number of our friends to consider forming a support group that would represent us before the body of ODF and care for our family. Pray for wisdom, and direction on who to ask.
We are also asking God for a group who would consistently pray for me and the ministry in Senegal for the 11 days I will be there, it is a much spiritual opposition to the message of the gospel and to those who would want to share it, (if you are interested in praying for me and the work in Senegal and for my family while I am away from them please let me know).
Finally pray for Gods financial provision for the work in Senegal. If you would like to give a special gift towards our work in Senegal please designate on your check in the memo section Thurman/Senegal
We are Grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & Keilah
We are doing our best to remember this truth as we have been near the point of complete exhaustion recently because of the challenges of sickness, stress, failure, and circumstances that can lead to hopelessness.
Yet our hope is sure because it is in Jesus and our confidence is in Him. We are continually amazed at how creative and capable He truly is to hold us in the palms of His hand. To stop and reflect on the continual provision He provides through His body, other believers, (that’s you guys), is such an important discipline. I think that is why so many Psalms (the prayer book of the Bible), are continually remembering and testifying to Gods wonders and deeds of power and provision. I better reel it back in; I know how hard it is to try to read long emails.
We wanted to let you all know two important updates:
We will be having a time of sharing on Saturday March 4th at my parent’s house @ 4:00 p.m. (Please mark your calendars). We will be giving a brief update of the direction of our work with Antioch Network. But mainly we desire just to be with you. We would also value having a focused time of prayer for the upcoming ministry in Senegal.
March 5th I will be leaving for Africa, my family will be leaving March 6th. We will be able to spend almost a week in South Africa getting time with Noleens Family then I will fly up to Northwest Africa, Senegal, to do ministry work with Antioch Network. We will be ministering among the Wolof People. Click on this link if you want to know who the Wolof are:
Prayer Requests: We are asking God to give us the wisdom to ask a number of our friends to consider forming a support group that would represent us before the body of ODF and care for our family. Pray for wisdom, and direction on who to ask.
We are also asking God for a group who would consistently pray for me and the ministry in Senegal for the 11 days I will be there, it is a much spiritual opposition to the message of the gospel and to those who would want to share it, (if you are interested in praying for me and the work in Senegal and for my family while I am away from them please let me know).
Finally pray for Gods financial provision for the work in Senegal. If you would like to give a special gift towards our work in Senegal please designate on your check in the memo section Thurman/Senegal
We are Grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & Keilah
Thurman Update #14 (Written Jan. 29th, 2005)
Germany: International Staff & Council Meeting
This month all the Antioch Network staff, council and guests had a wonderful time of praying and sharing stories of God’s faithfulness with each other. It was great for me to visit with the many friends Noleen and I have made over the past four years, who are part of the Eifel fellowship in Germany. Through our prayer and time together we continued to discern that my family is to continue to pursue the work to establish an Apostolic Center in Germany of non-stop worship and prayer that influences the German people and Nations beyond. ( I am attaching a newsletter from the Mileys)
Most of you knew that we were praying about the possibility of getting draw for a subsidized home in the heart of downtown Phoenix. On January 10th our name was drawn! Wow, what a gift from God, there was no way that we would get a house on our own. This is a true provision from God. The challenge is that we do not know exactly when the house will be finished, the best-case scenario is this July. We are asking God to provide a temporary housing situation for us until then.
New Developments
We are entering into our eighth month on staff with Antioch Network. It has been all that we hoped it would be. We started off the journey knowing that God was leading one step at a time. This continues to be the case. It has been affirmed that I am to be a part of the International Development Team. It appears my role with George Miley will likely be evolving, we are pursuing the possibility of me taking on the role of George’s personal assistant. We wait for God’s confirmation in this. We also have a sense that the summer of 2007 will be the probable time for our family to move to Germany. Again, we wait for God’s wisdom.
A close friend of Antioch and someone I am enjoying getting to know is Brian Donahue; he has begun a center in Nogales, Mexico that is akin to the vision for apostolic center in Germany. He has created a center that is designed to make disciples through the Celtic model of prayer, study, and work. The work is caring for the impoverished Mexican people and serving the Mexican national pastors. Brian has invited my family to come down in February to pursue the possibility of working with him while we are still living in Phoenix.
We are still praying about this but it looks hopeful that I meet my wife and children in South Africa (who will fly down with her parents) where I will for the first time visit her homeland and meet her family. From S.A. I will fly up to Senegal and join Mark Snelling, the President of Antioch Network, who has invited me to join him for an important Wolof Consultation. (More about this to come soon)
Financial Updates
Currently 25% of our budget is coming from monthly givers, another 25% from periodic one-time gifts, and another 25% is coming from an after-school program I am teaching to Native American Students. We ask your continued prayers for the provision of the remaining 25%. If you are interested in how you can be more involved with what we are doing please contact us via email or cell phone. (cell phone 602-791-4892)
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & Keilah Thurman
Thurman Update #13 (Written Jan. 4th, 2005)
We just wanted to send out a quick update to let you know that I, Ryan will be off to Germany tomorrow morning. Dan Kane will pick me up here at 3:45 A.M. and we will start our journey. We will be spending almost two weeks meeting as a staff. Seeking God's Heart and plan for our tomorrows. We will end our time with a three day spiritual retreat led by George and Hanna. I am really expecting God to renew, strengthen, and deal with me in a tender way. I have been struggling of late and am grateful for this time to be together with my fellow staff, who are scattered across the globe. Thanks for your support for this ministry, your love for us and love for Jesus.
*Please keep Noleen, Ethan, and Keilah in your prayers during this time, it will be hard to be away from each other.
*Please also pray for us, there will be lottery drawing Tuesday the 10th and we will find out whether or not we are chosen to purchase a house in downtown Phoenix, it seems like a perfect fit for us, we need to trust God for this, please pray that whatever God allows we would be grateful
Learning to be grateful in all things
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan and Keilah
*Please keep Noleen, Ethan, and Keilah in your prayers during this time, it will be hard to be away from each other.
*Please also pray for us, there will be lottery drawing Tuesday the 10th and we will find out whether or not we are chosen to purchase a house in downtown Phoenix, it seems like a perfect fit for us, we need to trust God for this, please pray that whatever God allows we would be grateful
Learning to be grateful in all things
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan and Keilah
Thurman Update #12 (Written Dec. 17th, 2005)
We pray you have a blessed Christmas and hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season thus far enjoying friends and family. The growing Thurman family is doing great! We are loving having our sweet daughter Keilah here with us (four weeks old now), and Ethan is such a blast at this age (almost two). We will be spending the holidays here in Phoenix with family and then in January Ryan will be heading over to Germany for a couple weeks.
We want to thank you so much for all of your love and support to us over this past six months and many of you for much longer than that! We have been so blessed this year by the Lords provisions in miraculous ways. We look forward to sending out another newsletter after Ryan returns from Germany next year with reports of the Lords work going on in the Eifel.
In the mean time, a few prayer requests for the upcoming year: We are still seeking a place to live, with hopes something will come about for January. Also pray for Ryan’s trip to Germany that the Lord will continue to speak to us about His work there and our ongoing involvement. Please also pray for us as we continue the process of raising support.
Much love to you all, and again have a wonderfully
Merry Christmas and New Year!!!
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan and Keilah Thurman
And the infant looked up at the young mother, his cries joining our own. Silence was broken in the cradled arms of a young and homeless mother. And for the first time, humanity heard God weep.
We want to thank you so much for all of your love and support to us over this past six months and many of you for much longer than that! We have been so blessed this year by the Lords provisions in miraculous ways. We look forward to sending out another newsletter after Ryan returns from Germany next year with reports of the Lords work going on in the Eifel.
In the mean time, a few prayer requests for the upcoming year: We are still seeking a place to live, with hopes something will come about for January. Also pray for Ryan’s trip to Germany that the Lord will continue to speak to us about His work there and our ongoing involvement. Please also pray for us as we continue the process of raising support.
Much love to you all, and again have a wonderfully
Merry Christmas and New Year!!!
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan and Keilah Thurman
And the infant looked up at the young mother, his cries joining our own. Silence was broken in the cradled arms of a young and homeless mother. And for the first time, humanity heard God weep.
Thurman Update #11 (Written Nov. 21st, 2005)
Greetings from the Thurman Family that has just increased its size by one. Thursday evening at 7:06 P.M. Keilah Willo Thurman was born. Her name means stronghold of Freedom. Willo, which means, freedom is also the name of my grandma who is an amazing woman of God whom our family can trace our faith in Christ back to her. The verse God gave us for Keilah is II Corinthians 3:17, 18
Antioch Network Updates:
I will be flying to Germany for two weeks for an important meeting with AN staff and council. It will also be a good time to re-connect with the emerging community that our family is involved with there in Germany.
My wife and I continue to pray about the possibility of going to Senegal with Mark Snelling the President of Antioch Network who has been working with the Wolof peoples. Click this link if you want to know more about the Wolof: (http://www.africaguide.com/culture/tribes/wolof.htm)
The work here is similar to the work we are involved with in both Germany and Cyprus.
June, July, & August
We are also continuing to make plans for our summer, participating in the work in Germany going on its fifth year, this will be our third year of involvement. And our second year of joining the Cyprus work which is in its third year.
Current Ministry
We continue to work closely with George and Hanna, Dan Kane, & Warren Stewart and their families who are part of the AN team that is working on the Internationalization of AN and the vision of Apostolic Centers.
We also have been involved in a work here in Phoenix networking with local churches to establish a cooperation of 24x7 prayer. (Click this link if you would like to know more about 24x7prayer, AN has been networking with this ministry: http://www.24-7prayer.com/)
With the hope of participating in the establishment of an urban 24x7 prayer center that would be similar to the apostolic center vision that we are involved with in both Germany and Cyprus.
If you would like to talk more about how you can be involved in this ministry please call us or email us. If you would like to give an end-of-the-year financial gift to this ministry, to help towards the up-coming Germany and Africa trips or for general support. Please send any gifts to the address below and make checks out to Antioch Network so you can be receipted properly.
We are Grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & Keilah
Antioch Network Updates:
I will be flying to Germany for two weeks for an important meeting with AN staff and council. It will also be a good time to re-connect with the emerging community that our family is involved with there in Germany.
My wife and I continue to pray about the possibility of going to Senegal with Mark Snelling the President of Antioch Network who has been working with the Wolof peoples. Click this link if you want to know more about the Wolof: (http://www.africaguide.com/culture/tribes/wolof.htm)
The work here is similar to the work we are involved with in both Germany and Cyprus.
June, July, & August
We are also continuing to make plans for our summer, participating in the work in Germany going on its fifth year, this will be our third year of involvement. And our second year of joining the Cyprus work which is in its third year.
Current Ministry
We continue to work closely with George and Hanna, Dan Kane, & Warren Stewart and their families who are part of the AN team that is working on the Internationalization of AN and the vision of Apostolic Centers.
We also have been involved in a work here in Phoenix networking with local churches to establish a cooperation of 24x7 prayer. (Click this link if you would like to know more about 24x7prayer, AN has been networking with this ministry: http://www.24-7prayer.com/)
With the hope of participating in the establishment of an urban 24x7 prayer center that would be similar to the apostolic center vision that we are involved with in both Germany and Cyprus.
If you would like to talk more about how you can be involved in this ministry please call us or email us. If you would like to give an end-of-the-year financial gift to this ministry, to help towards the up-coming Germany and Africa trips or for general support. Please send any gifts to the address below and make checks out to Antioch Network so you can be receipted properly.
We are Grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & Keilah
July 11, 2006
Thurman Update #10 (Written Oct. 10th, 2005)
Hope this note finds you doing wonderful! Nols and I and the boy are doing great, we are getting closer to the due date of our little girl and we are excited.
We wanted to follow up with our Newsletter and let you know the time of our sharing night. Dessert and visiting will be from 6:15-6:45 and sharing & photos will be from 6:45-8:00 p.m. this Sunday night the 16th @ Bruce and Ellen Thurman's house: 1319 W. Puget Ave. (crossroads of 15th Ave. & Dunlap)
Please email or call to let us know if you can make it so we will know how much dessert to get! Thanks!
Love The Thurman Family
We wanted to follow up with our Newsletter and let you know the time of our sharing night. Dessert and visiting will be from 6:15-6:45 and sharing & photos will be from 6:45-8:00 p.m. this Sunday night the 16th @ Bruce and Ellen Thurman's house: 1319 W. Puget Ave. (crossroads of 15th Ave. & Dunlap)
Please email or call to let us know if you can make it so we will know how much dessert to get! Thanks!
Love The Thurman Family
Thurman Update #9 (Written Sept. 13th, 2005)
It is so good to be back in Phoenix with family and friends, yet at the same time it is hard to be away from the many long-time friends we have abroad as well as the new friends we made this summer.
We have been home for about a week and have been trying to re-adjust and also scrambling to get all the things done that would help bring some sense of normality back to life sooner rather than later.
We are preparing for the baby to come in seven weeks, seeking God about a home of our own in Phoenix, continuing to raise support, working towards continued progress in the mission initiatives God is calling us to abroad, seeking to make disciples here locally in hopes of freeing and releasing others who are called out from this generation into missions, and also helping to establish a prayer center in Phoenix. As I type this it sounds like a lot to me, but the beauty is that all these passions God is giving are intricately interwoven together.
We are planning to have a time of sharing more in depth about our summer ministry as well as communicating where we sense God continuing to lead us in this next year. We would love to have you all join us for this time. We will send out a letter or email with this date as soon as we have it. If you would like to connect sooner, that would be awesome. Just email or call us--602-791-4892.
With Love and grateful hearts,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & baby girl Thurman
We have been home for about a week and have been trying to re-adjust and also scrambling to get all the things done that would help bring some sense of normality back to life sooner rather than later.
We are preparing for the baby to come in seven weeks, seeking God about a home of our own in Phoenix, continuing to raise support, working towards continued progress in the mission initiatives God is calling us to abroad, seeking to make disciples here locally in hopes of freeing and releasing others who are called out from this generation into missions, and also helping to establish a prayer center in Phoenix. As I type this it sounds like a lot to me, but the beauty is that all these passions God is giving are intricately interwoven together.
We are planning to have a time of sharing more in depth about our summer ministry as well as communicating where we sense God continuing to lead us in this next year. We would love to have you all join us for this time. We will send out a letter or email with this date as soon as we have it. If you would like to connect sooner, that would be awesome. Just email or call us--602-791-4892.
With Love and grateful hearts,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & baby girl Thurman
Thurman Update #8 (Written Aug. 13th, 2005)
In Germany
Hope this email finds you all doing excellent! We are doing great; the two-week Prayer Days have been over for a week now. This past week has found our family getting extended time with different individuals and families that are part of this developing apostolic community.
It has been wonderful, we have been able visit twice our friends Maria and Birgitta. They are in the Catholic Church, and have been important in helping bridge the gap and division between Free Church and Catholic Church. They have a beautiful home out in a small village called Boudertath, it is about a 20 minute drive from Gemünd. Their home is devoted to Jesus and being a sanctuary for visitors to find rest, healing, and love.
Today Uwe and Erika who are part of the Free Church in Kall took us to a wildlife park, we had a wonderful time with them and their 4 children ages 10-14 years. We have had many other amazing connections here during this past week. We have had wonderful times with George and Hanna, the other day they took us out to lunch at McDonalds so Ethan could play while we were able to visit together
Our parents fly in on Friday and we are thrilled to show them around the Eifel and then show them Switzerland, where we will visit a church and community where Nols and I have done ministry. Then, Lord allowing, we will head into Bosnia to visit friends and churches that are dear to our heart.
We are grateful for your, love, prayers and financial support!
Ryan, Nols, Ethan, and baby girl
Hope this email finds you all doing excellent! We are doing great; the two-week Prayer Days have been over for a week now. This past week has found our family getting extended time with different individuals and families that are part of this developing apostolic community.
It has been wonderful, we have been able visit twice our friends Maria and Birgitta. They are in the Catholic Church, and have been important in helping bridge the gap and division between Free Church and Catholic Church. They have a beautiful home out in a small village called Boudertath, it is about a 20 minute drive from Gemünd. Their home is devoted to Jesus and being a sanctuary for visitors to find rest, healing, and love.
Today Uwe and Erika who are part of the Free Church in Kall took us to a wildlife park, we had a wonderful time with them and their 4 children ages 10-14 years. We have had many other amazing connections here during this past week. We have had wonderful times with George and Hanna, the other day they took us out to lunch at McDonalds so Ethan could play while we were able to visit together
Our parents fly in on Friday and we are thrilled to show them around the Eifel and then show them Switzerland, where we will visit a church and community where Nols and I have done ministry. Then, Lord allowing, we will head into Bosnia to visit friends and churches that are dear to our heart.
We are grateful for your, love, prayers and financial support!
Ryan, Nols, Ethan, and baby girl
Thurman Update #7 (Written July 29th, 2005)
A little side story with regards to our travel to Germany:
We left early Saturday morning from Cyprus for Istanbul and spent the day Saturday in Istanbul...We got up again 3:30A.M. Sunday morning to catch a bus to the airport. The bus driver showed up late, when Dan and I went to go find him we saw him in the parking lot sifling gas out of parked car, we don’t know if it was his or just some random car....luckily we made it to the airport (and didn’t run out of gas) and we even caught our flight. Just wanted to share something you don’t see every day in the states!
1 – Return to the land of your fathers…and I will be with you. – Genesis 31:3
2 – This is to be an Isaac. Do not birth an Ishmael. – Genesis 17:18-19
3 – Prepare the way for the King and His kingdom. – Matthew 3:3
4 – Restore the ancient anointing. – Isaiah 58:12
5 – Reopen the ancient wells. – Genesis 26:18
6 – Rebuild the temple, establish the altar. – Ezra 1:5
7 – I have given you the ministry of reconciliation. – II Corinthians 5:18
2005 Prayer Days in the Eifel, July 24 to August 5, involve:
1 – A 24/7 prayer room in Gemünd, where individuals can sign up to spend an hour (or longer) with God each day.
2 – Mornings: Community prayer from 9 to noon in the Kurpark Hotel, Gemünd.
3 – Afternoons: Freedom to be led by the Spirit in forming friendships with local people, enjoying the Eifel or joining the bicycle prayer team.
4 – July 24-30: A team praying along the route of the old Roman road through the Eifel from Trier to Cologne on bicycles.
5 – August 1-5: We are waiting to discern more of what God has in mind beyond the 24/7 prayer room for this second week.
Please pray:
1 – We see God stirring hearts and assembling an international group of intercessors. Pray for His protection over and within us, and His molding us together in unity.
2 – We are still trusting the Lord for the right location for the 24/7 prayer room. What is His first choice?
The Thurman Family
We left early Saturday morning from Cyprus for Istanbul and spent the day Saturday in Istanbul...We got up again 3:30A.M. Sunday morning to catch a bus to the airport. The bus driver showed up late, when Dan and I went to go find him we saw him in the parking lot sifling gas out of parked car, we don’t know if it was his or just some random car....luckily we made it to the airport (and didn’t run out of gas) and we even caught our flight. Just wanted to share something you don’t see every day in the states!
1 – Return to the land of your fathers…and I will be with you. – Genesis 31:3
2 – This is to be an Isaac. Do not birth an Ishmael. – Genesis 17:18-19
3 – Prepare the way for the King and His kingdom. – Matthew 3:3
4 – Restore the ancient anointing. – Isaiah 58:12
5 – Reopen the ancient wells. – Genesis 26:18
6 – Rebuild the temple, establish the altar. – Ezra 1:5
7 – I have given you the ministry of reconciliation. – II Corinthians 5:18
2005 Prayer Days in the Eifel, July 24 to August 5, involve:
1 – A 24/7 prayer room in Gemünd, where individuals can sign up to spend an hour (or longer) with God each day.
2 – Mornings: Community prayer from 9 to noon in the Kurpark Hotel, Gemünd.
3 – Afternoons: Freedom to be led by the Spirit in forming friendships with local people, enjoying the Eifel or joining the bicycle prayer team.
4 – July 24-30: A team praying along the route of the old Roman road through the Eifel from Trier to Cologne on bicycles.
5 – August 1-5: We are waiting to discern more of what God has in mind beyond the 24/7 prayer room for this second week.
Please pray:
1 – We see God stirring hearts and assembling an international group of intercessors. Pray for His protection over and within us, and His molding us together in unity.
2 – We are still trusting the Lord for the right location for the 24/7 prayer room. What is His first choice?
The Thurman Family
Thurman Update #6 (Written July 21st, 2005)
In Cyprus
We have only a few days left before we head to Germany. We wanted to send out to you a couple of stories and prayer requests:
This week we have added 15 new people to our team. Six young people from Turkey that our working with the Central Asia Team. Three other young leaders from Turkey who are part of Humberto’s church and also six girls from England who are part of the 24x7 prayer movement.
I want to share a huge praise that we feel blessed to be able to witness it and feel like our prayers here in Cyprus were instrumental to this miracle. The miracle is one that happens daily around the world “an individual being rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the kingdom of God’s Son” (Col. 1:13) There is an awesome story behind this. Matt who is working YWAM here in N. Cyprus has been here for two years. He told me just moments ago that in the two weeks since we have been praying here in Cyprus that he has had more spiritual and meaningful conversations with Turkish Cypriots then any other time in the two years he has been here.
Matt had just returned from the states just before we arrived. One of the young Cypriots he had been sharing his life with, for the past year, we will call him “john” pulled him aside as he was walking through town and began pouring out his heart to him. Matt still in Western mindset felt rushed to get to the next thing he had going and did not give “John” much time. A few days later “John” called Matt desperate to talk to him, so Matt went to meet him, during there time “John” shared that his girlfriend had just broken up with him and that he was considering suicide. Matt said that he would pray for him and encouraged him to pray to Jesus in his time of need. Two days later “John” called him to ask if Matt had prayed for him, Matt said yes, “I prayed that Jesus would bring you peace and contentment or bring your girlfriend back.” “John” exclaimed I did pray to Jesus for the first time ever and he answered both of those prayers, he said, “I was able to communicate with my girlfriend and told her that I truly had found peace in my heart whether they were together or not, she decided to return to me that next day.”
“John” since then has asked for a Bible and stated that after praying and beginning to seek Jesus that he felt like it was his Birthday. Matt believes that the Holy Spirit is doing the work of “washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit” Please continue to pray for this young man and for the Long-term workers here in N. Cyprus (which consists of only Scott & Heather and their 3 kids & Matt who is Heather’s brother)— pray for more workers for the Harvest here in N. Cyprus.
The Lord has really connected me with Mehmet, he is 17 years old and works here at Sunny Beach where we have been living. We have had many conversations, and had the chance to talk about Jesus. He has said that he saw the movie the Passion and that he believes in Jesus. We have exchanged emails and plan on continuing our friendship. He has also just been given a New Testament by one of the teams, and has begun reading it. I am praying for Turkish speaker (so Mehmet can speak in his heart language) who would be able to really go into to detail with Mehmet with what it means to be a disciple of Christ, before we leave.
There are also five other University students that I connected with here at Sunny Beach that want me to come to their city Nicosia about 45 minutes away before we leave, and I was able to share a little of my faith and why I had come to Cyprus. Pray that if it is the Lord’s plan this time that I would be able to connect with them before we leave in 3 days.
Prayer Requests
That we finish these last 3 days strong
For Wisdom and Direction for those of the 70 short term workers that have been part of this summer work who are considering long term work here in Cyprus that God would lead and confirm.
For the relationships that have been built that God would continue bear fruit in them and that God would continue to reveal Himself to them
For more workers for the Harvest
For our traveling days coming up this Saturday morning we will be flying to Istanbul spending the night there and then early Sunday morning flying to Germany.
We are grateful!
Ryan, Nols, and Ethan
We have only a few days left before we head to Germany. We wanted to send out to you a couple of stories and prayer requests:
This week we have added 15 new people to our team. Six young people from Turkey that our working with the Central Asia Team. Three other young leaders from Turkey who are part of Humberto’s church and also six girls from England who are part of the 24x7 prayer movement.
I want to share a huge praise that we feel blessed to be able to witness it and feel like our prayers here in Cyprus were instrumental to this miracle. The miracle is one that happens daily around the world “an individual being rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the kingdom of God’s Son” (Col. 1:13) There is an awesome story behind this. Matt who is working YWAM here in N. Cyprus has been here for two years. He told me just moments ago that in the two weeks since we have been praying here in Cyprus that he has had more spiritual and meaningful conversations with Turkish Cypriots then any other time in the two years he has been here.
Matt had just returned from the states just before we arrived. One of the young Cypriots he had been sharing his life with, for the past year, we will call him “john” pulled him aside as he was walking through town and began pouring out his heart to him. Matt still in Western mindset felt rushed to get to the next thing he had going and did not give “John” much time. A few days later “John” called Matt desperate to talk to him, so Matt went to meet him, during there time “John” shared that his girlfriend had just broken up with him and that he was considering suicide. Matt said that he would pray for him and encouraged him to pray to Jesus in his time of need. Two days later “John” called him to ask if Matt had prayed for him, Matt said yes, “I prayed that Jesus would bring you peace and contentment or bring your girlfriend back.” “John” exclaimed I did pray to Jesus for the first time ever and he answered both of those prayers, he said, “I was able to communicate with my girlfriend and told her that I truly had found peace in my heart whether they were together or not, she decided to return to me that next day.”
“John” since then has asked for a Bible and stated that after praying and beginning to seek Jesus that he felt like it was his Birthday. Matt believes that the Holy Spirit is doing the work of “washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit” Please continue to pray for this young man and for the Long-term workers here in N. Cyprus (which consists of only Scott & Heather and their 3 kids & Matt who is Heather’s brother)— pray for more workers for the Harvest here in N. Cyprus.
The Lord has really connected me with Mehmet, he is 17 years old and works here at Sunny Beach where we have been living. We have had many conversations, and had the chance to talk about Jesus. He has said that he saw the movie the Passion and that he believes in Jesus. We have exchanged emails and plan on continuing our friendship. He has also just been given a New Testament by one of the teams, and has begun reading it. I am praying for Turkish speaker (so Mehmet can speak in his heart language) who would be able to really go into to detail with Mehmet with what it means to be a disciple of Christ, before we leave.
There are also five other University students that I connected with here at Sunny Beach that want me to come to their city Nicosia about 45 minutes away before we leave, and I was able to share a little of my faith and why I had come to Cyprus. Pray that if it is the Lord’s plan this time that I would be able to connect with them before we leave in 3 days.
Prayer Requests
That we finish these last 3 days strong
For Wisdom and Direction for those of the 70 short term workers that have been part of this summer work who are considering long term work here in Cyprus that God would lead and confirm.
For the relationships that have been built that God would continue bear fruit in them and that God would continue to reveal Himself to them
For more workers for the Harvest
For our traveling days coming up this Saturday morning we will be flying to Istanbul spending the night there and then early Sunday morning flying to Germany.
We are grateful!
Ryan, Nols, and Ethan
Thurman Update #5 (Written July 15th, 2005)
Luke 10: 1-7 “After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two into every town and place where he himself was about to go. And he said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into his harvest…What ever house you enter, first say ‘Peace be to this house!’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him…And remain in the same house eating and drinking what they provide…”
A Report on Week two of the Prayer Days for N. Cyprus
The second week of prayer days was dynamically different than the first week, yet no less powerful. The first week there was high energy and I think excitement to get out and to see God answer prayer. It seemed people were having spiritual conversations everyday. At the same time the morning sessions were filled with time for one on one time with Jesus, small group mediation on scripture and with everything culminating in a powerful time of large group worship and prayer.
However, the police arrived last Friday to inspect and to say that we were not able to worship publicly any more. As a result of that the owners of the complex that we are staying in asked that we cease all religious activities outside of our bungalows and apartments. This was a little frustrating, but it did not deter us. We just adjusted our schedule a bit and continued. We still have one on one time with Jesus, small group meditation on scripture, but we’ve replaced large group worship with team prayer time. This change has added a deeper resolve to our teams and a deeper sense of unity.
As far as the apostolic teams or the (outreach teams) instead of each team meeting random people on the street for brief encounters each of our teams have focused on relationships that God gave them the first week. We feel this is exactly what Jesus was asking His disciples to do when he sent them out before him. Go before me to prepare the way; asking the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to that land. As you meet people of peace stay with them and pray that God’s peace would come to that house and let them know that the Kingdom of Heaven is near…
Thursday was a Day of Solitude
Thursday was the half way point for most of our team so we took the day for solitude and for reflection on all that God has been doing among us this first 12 days. This was a very important day for everyone. I could see that most people were beginning to get a little tired, but today almost everyone has a renewed intensity and freshness to this work. Praise God for blessing us with His refreshing love and care.
Next week we will have 11 new people join us.
There will be 9 people coming from Turkey and 2 women from the UK who are working in South Cyprus. We are so excited about this last week that we will have together and about these new team members. Please pray that they will be able to quickly assimilate into our existing teams and that we will have an even greater impact this last week.
God is giving me a growing sense that he wants us to become a part of seeking peace for this island.
One of the things that I’ve been praying for years is that God would fit my feet with the “Gospel of Peace.” I never knew gave much thought how God would answer this prayer. Since being involved in N. Cyprus I sense that there is a huge reconciliation work God wants to do here. Now, I’m not saying I have any idea of what that would look like, but I want to begin to explore options. I just found out that next week there will be an open meeting of people who are interested in seeing a peaceful resolution to the North and South Cyprus taking place in the South. I’ve talked to Julie and she has given me permission to attend that meeting for two days. Please pray that God would give me more clarity as to how we might be able to pray for peace and how we might be able to contribute to peace.
Thanks again for your prayers,
Written by Warren Stewart (leader of Cyprus initiative)
A Report on Week two of the Prayer Days for N. Cyprus
The second week of prayer days was dynamically different than the first week, yet no less powerful. The first week there was high energy and I think excitement to get out and to see God answer prayer. It seemed people were having spiritual conversations everyday. At the same time the morning sessions were filled with time for one on one time with Jesus, small group mediation on scripture and with everything culminating in a powerful time of large group worship and prayer.
However, the police arrived last Friday to inspect and to say that we were not able to worship publicly any more. As a result of that the owners of the complex that we are staying in asked that we cease all religious activities outside of our bungalows and apartments. This was a little frustrating, but it did not deter us. We just adjusted our schedule a bit and continued. We still have one on one time with Jesus, small group meditation on scripture, but we’ve replaced large group worship with team prayer time. This change has added a deeper resolve to our teams and a deeper sense of unity.
As far as the apostolic teams or the (outreach teams) instead of each team meeting random people on the street for brief encounters each of our teams have focused on relationships that God gave them the first week. We feel this is exactly what Jesus was asking His disciples to do when he sent them out before him. Go before me to prepare the way; asking the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to that land. As you meet people of peace stay with them and pray that God’s peace would come to that house and let them know that the Kingdom of Heaven is near…
Thursday was a Day of Solitude
Thursday was the half way point for most of our team so we took the day for solitude and for reflection on all that God has been doing among us this first 12 days. This was a very important day for everyone. I could see that most people were beginning to get a little tired, but today almost everyone has a renewed intensity and freshness to this work. Praise God for blessing us with His refreshing love and care.
Next week we will have 11 new people join us.
There will be 9 people coming from Turkey and 2 women from the UK who are working in South Cyprus. We are so excited about this last week that we will have together and about these new team members. Please pray that they will be able to quickly assimilate into our existing teams and that we will have an even greater impact this last week.
God is giving me a growing sense that he wants us to become a part of seeking peace for this island.
One of the things that I’ve been praying for years is that God would fit my feet with the “Gospel of Peace.” I never knew gave much thought how God would answer this prayer. Since being involved in N. Cyprus I sense that there is a huge reconciliation work God wants to do here. Now, I’m not saying I have any idea of what that would look like, but I want to begin to explore options. I just found out that next week there will be an open meeting of people who are interested in seeing a peaceful resolution to the North and South Cyprus taking place in the South. I’ve talked to Julie and she has given me permission to attend that meeting for two days. Please pray that God would give me more clarity as to how we might be able to pray for peace and how we might be able to contribute to peace.
Thanks again for your prayers,
Written by Warren Stewart (leader of Cyprus initiative)
Thurman Update #4 (Written July 11th, 2005)
In Cyprus
What our days and weeks look like what is the schedule
1. Monday-Friday—24x7 prayer is going on all the time. The international community of believers who are living among us at this complex as well as visitors from other places in Cyprus are signing up for one-hour slots every day so that there is non-stop prayer going on for Cyprus. We are seeking the face of God, “one thing I ask of the Lord that I may dwell in His courts and see the beauty of His face”
2. One hour in the morning is spent alone with the Lord.
3. One hour is spent in a small group meditating on selected Scripture and praying for one another
4. One hour plus in corporate worship and intercession for Cyprus
5. Afternoons (1-3pm) free to rest and connect with each other
6. Evening (4-10 pm) are spent prayer walking through cities and universities developing and following up with relationships that our being established through our times of prayer walking
7. Saturday and Sunday are free to follow as the Spirits leads
8. Monday and Friday it starts all over again
How is God using us? Why has he called us to this work in Cyprus?
1. To be part of a worshipping community that is listening to God’s heart and intention for Cyprus and interceding on behalf of Cyprus, to be a community of disciples where Jesus is manifested, and to reach out and touch those who have never met Jesus through everyday activities like talking at a grocery store, or playing soccer, or asking for directions as we walk through cities and universities.
2. To come alongside and serve this movement of God in Cyprus as support doing whatever is needed to bring to fruition what God has planned for this work
3. To photo journal and record what God is doing here, to be a recorder of God’s wonderful deeds and miracles.
A Quick Story
Friday during our corporate worship time we had two visitors, the police, they had come because they had received complaints that we were holding “religious” activities. We were told we needed a special permit and would have to stop all meeting together in the open. Initially we might have been discouraging because we had already seen fruit from our meetings together in public. We had one Turkish girl who was staying at the complex join us one day, and we knew that many others were taking notice of our worship and also hearing about the wonder and love of Jesus from the few songs we knew in Turkish that we were singing. But on the other side we took great joy knowing that this was a spiritual attack and it was evident to us that our work of prayer and sharing Christ was bearing fruit and that the Enemy was trying to thwart our work here.
We met together to seek what the Lord wanted us to do and we sensed he wanted us to double our efforts in prayer. We also asked for discernment on knowing when to verbally share our faith with the Turkish people and when to simply share through our lives. We as a group have had many chances to openly share Christ with the owners and their families here where we are living (see photo below) and God has blessed each of those conversations. Yet we have sensed that because of the wrong conceptions we do not want to be confused with those who have in the name of Christianity tried to force conversions and change other’s culture and lives unnecessarily to conform to Western ways and not necessarily the Way of Jesus. Please pray for us!
It is really freeing to be here to serve and “set the table” of sorts for others to be able to have more direct ministry with Turkish people. Our family along with the Kane’s, and the Stewarts all Antioch Network staff families find ourselves doing just this. We have found it challenging at times with all the kids between us (9 and one in Nols’ tummy) to prayer walk and enter fully into the times of worship and prayer. Yet we feel honored and blessed beyond words to be called to this work and to serve behind the scenes and be faithful in the little things. We have a strong sense that the Lord is allowing us to be a part of History, where God will draw for Himself a remnant of Believers here and once again God will be worshipped in this place. Just as in the days when Paul first brought the Good News of Jesus to this place two thousand years ago….”let us not become weary of doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
• please pray for unity we have people from all over the world working together with different backgrounds and ministry styles pray that, “we stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together with one accord for the faith of the gospel
• Pray for the families and all the children there are 18 children all together, pray for their safety that the Lord would be using them mightily and pray for the moms.
• Pray for discernment from the Holy Spirit how to share Jesus in a way that honors the Turkish Cypriot people and in accordance with God’s perfect timing.
Love. Noleen Ryan & Ethan
What our days and weeks look like what is the schedule
1. Monday-Friday—24x7 prayer is going on all the time. The international community of believers who are living among us at this complex as well as visitors from other places in Cyprus are signing up for one-hour slots every day so that there is non-stop prayer going on for Cyprus. We are seeking the face of God, “one thing I ask of the Lord that I may dwell in His courts and see the beauty of His face”
2. One hour in the morning is spent alone with the Lord.
3. One hour is spent in a small group meditating on selected Scripture and praying for one another
4. One hour plus in corporate worship and intercession for Cyprus
5. Afternoons (1-3pm) free to rest and connect with each other
6. Evening (4-10 pm) are spent prayer walking through cities and universities developing and following up with relationships that our being established through our times of prayer walking
7. Saturday and Sunday are free to follow as the Spirits leads
8. Monday and Friday it starts all over again
How is God using us? Why has he called us to this work in Cyprus?
1. To be part of a worshipping community that is listening to God’s heart and intention for Cyprus and interceding on behalf of Cyprus, to be a community of disciples where Jesus is manifested, and to reach out and touch those who have never met Jesus through everyday activities like talking at a grocery store, or playing soccer, or asking for directions as we walk through cities and universities.
2. To come alongside and serve this movement of God in Cyprus as support doing whatever is needed to bring to fruition what God has planned for this work
3. To photo journal and record what God is doing here, to be a recorder of God’s wonderful deeds and miracles.
A Quick Story
Friday during our corporate worship time we had two visitors, the police, they had come because they had received complaints that we were holding “religious” activities. We were told we needed a special permit and would have to stop all meeting together in the open. Initially we might have been discouraging because we had already seen fruit from our meetings together in public. We had one Turkish girl who was staying at the complex join us one day, and we knew that many others were taking notice of our worship and also hearing about the wonder and love of Jesus from the few songs we knew in Turkish that we were singing. But on the other side we took great joy knowing that this was a spiritual attack and it was evident to us that our work of prayer and sharing Christ was bearing fruit and that the Enemy was trying to thwart our work here.
We met together to seek what the Lord wanted us to do and we sensed he wanted us to double our efforts in prayer. We also asked for discernment on knowing when to verbally share our faith with the Turkish people and when to simply share through our lives. We as a group have had many chances to openly share Christ with the owners and their families here where we are living (see photo below) and God has blessed each of those conversations. Yet we have sensed that because of the wrong conceptions we do not want to be confused with those who have in the name of Christianity tried to force conversions and change other’s culture and lives unnecessarily to conform to Western ways and not necessarily the Way of Jesus. Please pray for us!
It is really freeing to be here to serve and “set the table” of sorts for others to be able to have more direct ministry with Turkish people. Our family along with the Kane’s, and the Stewarts all Antioch Network staff families find ourselves doing just this. We have found it challenging at times with all the kids between us (9 and one in Nols’ tummy) to prayer walk and enter fully into the times of worship and prayer. Yet we feel honored and blessed beyond words to be called to this work and to serve behind the scenes and be faithful in the little things. We have a strong sense that the Lord is allowing us to be a part of History, where God will draw for Himself a remnant of Believers here and once again God will be worshipped in this place. Just as in the days when Paul first brought the Good News of Jesus to this place two thousand years ago….”let us not become weary of doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
• please pray for unity we have people from all over the world working together with different backgrounds and ministry styles pray that, “we stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together with one accord for the faith of the gospel
• Pray for the families and all the children there are 18 children all together, pray for their safety that the Lord would be using them mightily and pray for the moms.
• Pray for discernment from the Holy Spirit how to share Jesus in a way that honors the Turkish Cypriot people and in accordance with God’s perfect timing.
Love. Noleen Ryan & Ethan
Thurman Update #3 (Written July 6th, 2005)
In Cyprus
Nols sent out an email the other day but it appears to not have made it
We are here in Cyprus! Ethan did a great job on the flights it was amazing how well he did he slept on the floor and ran up and down the aisles making friends,
Cyprus is amazing today Nols and I were just praying about how we longed to make more contacts with the locals God answered our prayers today we were taking Ethan for a walk and we wanted to show him some horses nearby where we were staying On our way to walk across the open field where the horse was tied up a dog came strolling our way and a man about a hundred yards away was waving his hands at us. I assumed it was his dog coming to sick us and he was waving in irritation because we were on his property. We quickly turned around and decided to walk a different location, on our way back from about a 25 minute walk the same man came pulling up to us in his car. We came to find out that he wanted us to come meet his little grandchildren that were similar ages to Ethan.
He ended up taking us to his little orchard where he let me sty on one of his horses with Ethan in my lap. He then allowed us to help water his animals and then gave us a tour and lesson on the difference between the trees in his orchard...He runs a restaurant I think we will try to eat there an continue to build on this friendship... please pray for him and his family his name is Cemal he is a Turkish Cypriot....
We are doing well overall finally adjusting to the time difference and diet difference we are spending much of our day seeking God in prayer solitude and corporate worship our team consists of Turks from Turkey Kazaks from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz from Kyrgyzstan, Canadians from Canada and good old Americans from the U.S. and Mexicans from Mexico. We spend the late afternoons and evenings prayer walking on the Universities and through the different towns here in N. Cyprus
We will send more out later
Trust all is well with you all
We are grateful
Thank you for you prayers and support
Love Ryan. Nols and Ethan
Nols sent out an email the other day but it appears to not have made it
We are here in Cyprus! Ethan did a great job on the flights it was amazing how well he did he slept on the floor and ran up and down the aisles making friends,
Cyprus is amazing today Nols and I were just praying about how we longed to make more contacts with the locals God answered our prayers today we were taking Ethan for a walk and we wanted to show him some horses nearby where we were staying On our way to walk across the open field where the horse was tied up a dog came strolling our way and a man about a hundred yards away was waving his hands at us. I assumed it was his dog coming to sick us and he was waving in irritation because we were on his property. We quickly turned around and decided to walk a different location, on our way back from about a 25 minute walk the same man came pulling up to us in his car. We came to find out that he wanted us to come meet his little grandchildren that were similar ages to Ethan.
He ended up taking us to his little orchard where he let me sty on one of his horses with Ethan in my lap. He then allowed us to help water his animals and then gave us a tour and lesson on the difference between the trees in his orchard...He runs a restaurant I think we will try to eat there an continue to build on this friendship... please pray for him and his family his name is Cemal he is a Turkish Cypriot....
We are doing well overall finally adjusting to the time difference and diet difference we are spending much of our day seeking God in prayer solitude and corporate worship our team consists of Turks from Turkey Kazaks from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz from Kyrgyzstan, Canadians from Canada and good old Americans from the U.S. and Mexicans from Mexico. We spend the late afternoons and evenings prayer walking on the Universities and through the different towns here in N. Cyprus
We will send more out later
Trust all is well with you all
We are grateful
Thank you for you prayers and support
Love Ryan. Nols and Ethan
Thurman Update #2 (Written June 28, 2005)
It has been an amazing past month for us. Here are a couple of highlights:
Antioch Network Staff time in Baltimore
God affirmed that He was calling us to be a people that seek to be in His presence to hear from Jesus and then to obey what Jesus is asking us to do. George gave us a powerful call to be people of purity. To offer our lives and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work of transformation. He challenged us to begin to spend 24 hours a week in solitude with the sole intent to be alone with Jesus!
We celebrated and thanked God for the areas of influence He is giving to us here at Antioch Network-- Cyprus, India, Mexico, Turkey, Afghanistan, Senegal, Indonesia, Germany, Kenya, Bosnia, Ukraine, Basque peoples, Iran, Kazakstan, Silk Road, France, Pakistan
God's financial Blessing
God has chosen to meet our financial needs one step at a time. Praise God in this past few days we received a number of gifts that have given us enough money not only for our plane tickets, but also for the first month of our summer ministry. God has affirmed that He will give us everything we need as we move with Him! Thank you for your prayers for this and for your gifts!
Solitude this past weekend/Turning 30
My wife and I, thanks to our wonderful parents, were able to have about a day and a half alone with God together. We spent a good amount of time doing nothing. Letting God quiet our soul and bring stillness and peace. We also had a wonderful time connecting and praying together. It was a huge gift to be able to prepare ourselves before the summer ministry gets into full swing.
On Monday I had a nice little get together for my 30th Birthday at my parents house it was a sweet time.
Prayer Requests
* We leave this Thursday morning please pray for our traveling over 24 hours and 5 planes. all without a seat for Ethan!
Reveal people of peace to us
Show us opportunities for future long term involvement
Raise up laborers for this unique harvest
Keep the doors open for ministry even in the midst of the current political situation
Bless the N. Cypriot Turks and make Himself known among them
The foundation will be laid for an Apostolic Center to be formed that will train and release Christ-centered Spirit filled laborers to work along the Silk Road
Thank You for your love, support and prayers!
We are grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, & Ethan
Antioch Network Staff time in Baltimore
God affirmed that He was calling us to be a people that seek to be in His presence to hear from Jesus and then to obey what Jesus is asking us to do. George gave us a powerful call to be people of purity. To offer our lives and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work of transformation. He challenged us to begin to spend 24 hours a week in solitude with the sole intent to be alone with Jesus!
We celebrated and thanked God for the areas of influence He is giving to us here at Antioch Network-- Cyprus, India, Mexico, Turkey, Afghanistan, Senegal, Indonesia, Germany, Kenya, Bosnia, Ukraine, Basque peoples, Iran, Kazakstan, Silk Road, France, Pakistan
God's financial Blessing
God has chosen to meet our financial needs one step at a time. Praise God in this past few days we received a number of gifts that have given us enough money not only for our plane tickets, but also for the first month of our summer ministry. God has affirmed that He will give us everything we need as we move with Him! Thank you for your prayers for this and for your gifts!
Solitude this past weekend/Turning 30
My wife and I, thanks to our wonderful parents, were able to have about a day and a half alone with God together. We spent a good amount of time doing nothing. Letting God quiet our soul and bring stillness and peace. We also had a wonderful time connecting and praying together. It was a huge gift to be able to prepare ourselves before the summer ministry gets into full swing.
On Monday I had a nice little get together for my 30th Birthday at my parents house it was a sweet time.
Prayer Requests
* We leave this Thursday morning please pray for our traveling over 24 hours and 5 planes. all without a seat for Ethan!
Reveal people of peace to us
Show us opportunities for future long term involvement
Raise up laborers for this unique harvest
Keep the doors open for ministry even in the midst of the current political situation
Bless the N. Cypriot Turks and make Himself known among them
The foundation will be laid for an Apostolic Center to be formed that will train and release Christ-centered Spirit filled laborers to work along the Silk Road
Thank You for your love, support and prayers!
We are grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, & Ethan
Thurman Update #1 (June 9th 2005)
We wanted to send out a quick update. Life has been full for our family, we have been enjoying our time meeting with friends and sharing the vision God has given for us this next year.
Antioch Network Staff Meetings--I fly out on Monday for Maryland. I will be spending Tuesday praying with the two other guys on Antioch Staff who I will be going to Cyprus with, we will be seeking the Lord in prayer. Wednesday and Thursday will be board meetings, and Friday will be a staff meeting. This time is really important for God to confirm his direction for us as a team and organization. Please pray for this important time.
Cyprus--We leave for Cyprus on June 30th please pray for our preparations and for God's provision to come in for the work. Pray for our flight over it is long and Ethan does not have his own seat, we need God's grace and patience Here again is what we will be doing in Cyprus:
In the footsteps of Paul and Barnabas…
The two of them (Paul and Barnabas), sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia and sailed from there to Cyprus. (Acts 13:4)
After being sent out from the church in Antioch, the first stop on Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey was the island of Cyprus. From July 1-23, my family and I, along with two other Antioch Network staff families will join an international group of missionaries in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Also known as Northern Cyprus, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is home to nearly 250,000 Cypriot Turks. There are only a handful of known Christians among the Northern Cypriot Turks, while the overwhelming majority (99%) is Muslim.
The summer initiative is part of a broader initiative birthed within a partner network of Antioch Network known as TURK to TURK. TURK to TURK was developed in 1999 to proclaim the Gospel to the 150,000,000 Muslim Turkic peoples living along the Silk Road of Central Asia. Comprised of Western and Turkic Christians, the partnership was established to promote national church planting movements among Turkic peoples. In 2003, Northern Cyprus was one of several locations identified by TURK to TURK as strategic beachheads because of its large and accessible Turkish population that is without a known church.
We will be here for 3 weeks please pray that God will
Reveal people of peace to us
Show us opportunities for future long term involvement
Raise up laborers for this unique harvest
Keep the doors open for ministry even in the midst of the current political situation
Bless the N. Cypriot Turks and make Himself known among them
The foundation will be laid for an Apostolic Center to be formed that will train and release Christ-centered Spirit filled laborers to work along the Silk Road
Thank You for your love, support and prayers!
We are grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, & Ethan
Antioch Network Staff Meetings--I fly out on Monday for Maryland. I will be spending Tuesday praying with the two other guys on Antioch Staff who I will be going to Cyprus with, we will be seeking the Lord in prayer. Wednesday and Thursday will be board meetings, and Friday will be a staff meeting. This time is really important for God to confirm his direction for us as a team and organization. Please pray for this important time.
Cyprus--We leave for Cyprus on June 30th please pray for our preparations and for God's provision to come in for the work. Pray for our flight over it is long and Ethan does not have his own seat, we need God's grace and patience Here again is what we will be doing in Cyprus:
In the footsteps of Paul and Barnabas…
The two of them (Paul and Barnabas), sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia and sailed from there to Cyprus. (Acts 13:4)
After being sent out from the church in Antioch, the first stop on Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey was the island of Cyprus. From July 1-23, my family and I, along with two other Antioch Network staff families will join an international group of missionaries in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Also known as Northern Cyprus, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is home to nearly 250,000 Cypriot Turks. There are only a handful of known Christians among the Northern Cypriot Turks, while the overwhelming majority (99%) is Muslim.
The summer initiative is part of a broader initiative birthed within a partner network of Antioch Network known as TURK to TURK. TURK to TURK was developed in 1999 to proclaim the Gospel to the 150,000,000 Muslim Turkic peoples living along the Silk Road of Central Asia. Comprised of Western and Turkic Christians, the partnership was established to promote national church planting movements among Turkic peoples. In 2003, Northern Cyprus was one of several locations identified by TURK to TURK as strategic beachheads because of its large and accessible Turkish population that is without a known church.
We will be here for 3 weeks please pray that God will
Reveal people of peace to us
Show us opportunities for future long term involvement
Raise up laborers for this unique harvest
Keep the doors open for ministry even in the midst of the current political situation
Bless the N. Cypriot Turks and make Himself known among them
The foundation will be laid for an Apostolic Center to be formed that will train and release Christ-centered Spirit filled laborers to work along the Silk Road
Thank You for your love, support and prayers!
We are grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, & Ethan
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