Meet the Thurmans

Meet the Thurmans

July 13, 2006

Thurman Update #21 (Written July 3rd, 2006)


Noleen here, we wanted to give you an update on our housing and loan situation. We want to tell you about a huge praise first! A week ago we were given two separate one-time gifts that bumped up our year-to-date income through Antioch Network, which allowed us to qualify for the loan. We submitted the loan application last Tuesday morning and it is now in underwriting. We are hoping to find out by the end of the week if the loan is approved! Please continue to pray with us.

Please also pray for Keilah, she is doing better now, last week was difficult as she was fighting an urinary tract infection. After she has recovers we will have to get some extensive tests done to see if there is any kidney damage or other anatomy issues.

We are doing really good, enjoying this season of being together as a family, wishing we were overseas, but trusting God for his timing!

Thanks for your continued support and love!
Love the Thurman Family,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan and Keilah

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