Enjoy the photographs and captions from our summer trip to BosniaWe ended our time in Herrnhut, Germany and drove to the Eifel to reconnect with friends we have built while working with George and Hanna Miley over the past five years. After a short visit we flew out of Cologne to Osijek, Croatia
Bible School in Osijek, Croatia: 
I first stayed here 13 years earlier while working with Bosnian refugees. It was a surreal experience, being back and reconnecting with old friends before catching a train to Sarajevo
Waiting at the train station
Train to Sarajevo
This is a photo that captures the raw real-life stress and fatigue we encountered on our month long trip, you can see in Ethan's face how much he is 'enjoying' this 8 hour train ride
Driving Mladen's car from Sarajevo to Mostar
Our trip was definitely a planes, trains, and automobiles experience. Although the travel and schedule was intense and challenging God was merciful in all our travel.
Experiencing the birth of a baby goat
Ethan and Keilah were outside the church in Breza playing and we hear them yelling for us to come down and look at something--that something was a baby goat. It was a cool unexpected experience for them both and a good taste of what rural living in Bosnia is like.
Ethan and the local Breza Shepherd
Mladen and Violeta and their son Andrej
This precious family has become some of dearest friends in Bosnia, we have a deep committment to them and the church they lead in Breza.
Keilah and Ethan cleaning a rug the 'old-fashioned' way
Ethan and Keilah helping clean Elvis's house
Elvis is a young man whom I have known well for the past 7 years. His Father was the first person to pass away in the Breza church years ago and this past January his Mother died. One of the ways we served the Breza Church was to help them rennovate Elvis's house-it was an 'extreme makeover' Bosnia style. It was such a joy to be able to serve together as a whole family. Ethan and Keilah enthusiastically worked along side us and the whole team. It doesnt get much better that serving with your own family
Keilah Cleaning
Elvis (left)and Sanel (right) at the Prayer Conference
Ryan Andrews with Micah
One of our highlights of our time in Bosnia was having Ryan with us, he was a great asset to our team. It was an important part of our development of a discipleship process that at the foundation is inviting young adults to live and serve with our family
Noleen with Svetljana and girls from a U.S. team we partnered with
Mladen and Violeta praying with a small group at the Prayer Conference
It was amazing to be able to participate in the second of the three prayer conferences in Bosnia this year. This year has been a special focus of prayer for Bosnia. This was the largest gathering of Bosnian christians to gather for the purpose of focused prayer. It was so encouraging to see the unity and focus of the Believers to gather together to pray for their country.
A young woman dancing and worshipping freely
One of the ways I sensed God affirming Bosnia as place of focus for my family was the way that God gave me such sweet and powerful times of worship as I worshipped Him through singing songs in the Bosnian language
Basketball at the Bible School in East Mostar
Sejo (left) & Boske (right)
These two friends I have known and loved since I lived in Mostar back in 2001. They were only teens back then but are now in their twenties and trying to figure out life.
One of the greatest highlights for me was being able to spend time with Sejo. After playing basketball together we spent many hours catching up, when we parted Sejo wept openly. Our friendship is deep, when I lived in Mostar 7 years ago we spent almost every day together and I often ate meals and spent the nigth at his parents house and felt like an extension of his family. Sejo is one of the only young men I know from Mostar who have chosen to follow Jesus, he has little fellowship and support I have dreamed and prayed about bringing Sejo to Phoenix to participate in 'Apprenticeship to Jesus'
Some of the faces of BosniaYoung woman and two older men watch a chess match in Sarajevo
Man in Sarajevo
Woman in Breza
Man in Mostar
The Beauty of Bosnia Train Station-Breza
Old Bridge-Mostar
Nretva River-Mostar
Nretva River-Mostar
Mostar-A city divided and trying to cover up its pain & shame
“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down,” (Isaiah 64:1) This cry of Isaiah communicates the cry of desperation that God would take notice of and act on behalf of the pain, suffering and injustice rampant among His creation. It could be translated, If only you would tear the heavens in two and see what is happening among your creation… If only you would sever this distance that sits between us like a heavy garment… May this be our prayer for the places and people that God has entrusted to us.
1 comment:
Precious pictures and a precious family. Such a blessing to have God's love pass so freely through. Makes me want to love you more.
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