Greetings friends,
God speaks to us in a variety of ways including our own stories, Fredrick Buechner writes, “look back over your lives, for certain themes and patterns and signals that are so easy to miss when you’re caught up in the process of living them. Pause to listen to what has happened to you—for the sound, above all else, of his voice.”
I hear God saying to me lately that He loves me and that my life matters! I also hear him sharing with me how much his heart breaks for the great suffering and pain of humanity. I hear him telling me that I do not need to be afraid and hide or throw up my arms in despair from the powerlessness that I so often feel but instead can join him in His work of healing, comforting and bringing the Life of Jesus in small ways to the person in front of me. What are you hearing???
Upcoming Events
April 18th will be the 4th annual Hope Fest, A2J has participated in this the past three years by providing prayer stations to offer prayer and encouragement to the guests who are having their physical needs met through all the social services being offered to them. This is a wonderful opportunity. Please REPLY if you would like to be part of a prayer team for a few hours

Of Friday April 17th there is also a need for volunteers to unload donations all day at Chase Field, REPLY if you can help with this as well
Saturday April 18th Spring Movie Night....Woodland Community Garden will be hosting our third Movie night this year.
Wine, Cheese and Friendship 6-7pm. Movie starts at 7pm. Bring something to share, a comfy chair, and a friend. RSVP and more details here.
Saturday May 23rd City-Wide Unity and Reconciliation Gathering.... More information here
Your Friend,
+ learning to do things that are simple and local growing in love for God and others
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