Meet the Thurmans

Meet the Thurmans

September 26, 2007

Thurman Update 36, Written September 25, 2007

What is God teaching you?
He is teaching me His desire and commitment to see me, “transformed into the image of his Son.”(Rom. 8:29). I am overjoyed and humbled that God has called us to be His own and given us the dignity of being created in His image (Gen. 1:27) and the privilege to exercise authority over His creation (Psalm 8:4-8) and co-labor with Him now in His kingdom work (I Cor. 3:9) and given the destiny of serving and reigning with Him forever. (Rev. 1:6)

Do you still plan on moving overseas or have you decided to stay in Phoenix?
Yes! Currently, most of our time is to be in Phoenix, with ongoing short-term trips overseas, giving direct leadership in select projects. We sense in the future the time we spend overseas will increase. We wait on God’s perfect timing.

What are you currently working on?
Administration support—I continue to serve the AN team through administration work at the AN office

Turkey Prayer Initiatives—Working with the International Turkey Network, in various prayer projects.

Apprenticeship to Jesus(A2J)—There appears to be a widespread disconnect within the community of Believers today; we know we are called make disciples of the nations and teach them to obey all that Jesus commanded but we ourselves struggle to live as disciples and obey Jesus’ commands. (This is not a condemnation but a recognition that generally speaking the American Church has gradually moved away from a life of discipleship to Jesus and is instead being influenced more by the popular culture, that worships self, pleasure, and comfort which is often in direct opposition to the call to lose oneself in Christ.)

Some, within Antioch Network have been developing (A2J) as a way of re-discovering Jesus' intent when He calls us to, “leave all and follow me and be my disciple.” We are developing a year-long apprenticeship for young adults where the purpose is building Christ-like character for a life-time of bearing fruit in all they do. Our passion to become like Christ by following His example and walking in His footsteps will lead us to serve Him both locally and overseas.

How does developing (A2J) in Phoenix connect with a call to make disciples of the nations?
This model of community can be duplicated in different cultures and locations. The young people who participate in (A2J) will tackle the call of Jesus to make disciples of every tribe, tongue, and nation.

 Please feel free to join us for prayer any Thursday at our house @7pm

 If you have questions or comments please email or call me 602-791-4892. I would value your input and influence especially in the ongoing development of Apprenticeship to Jesus

Jesus calling
Matthew to leave
his old life and
come follow Him
and be His disciple

September 25, 2007

Thurman Update 35, written August 19th, 2007

For the past 8 months I have been working with the International Turkey Network on an initiative to mobilize strategic prayer for Turkey. The vision is to see at least 50, 000 Turks come to follow and worship Jesus. This is a God-sized vision, for there are only 3,500 known believers out of a population of 70 million)

A small church in Turkey led by a Turkish couple with little resources, training, and support embraced this vision and have been praying and fasting.

In the past two days during concert outreach 400 Turks have prayed the Sinner's Prayer in Jesus' name. This is what we have been praying for!

Thank You Jesus
that you came to search
and save the lost!

This is a situation that requires constant, determined prayer.
We desire that these 400 will continue to grow in grace and truth and be used of God to reach out to their own fellow Turks with the life-changing message of the Gospel!

One of the young men whom we worked with in Cyprus two years ago, who last year was attacked, beaten, and threatened with a knife was giving leadership in this outreach. What an amazing testimony to God's faithfulness!

***Another praise is that God has provided for us a second car, through the help of good friend and ministry supporter! Thank for your prayers for us. God continues to meet all our needs.


The Thurmans