I will be heading to Turkey next month participating in our bi-annual Antioch Network staff meetings. It will be a special time as I get first hand experience of the ministries and workers that I have been serving behind the scenes through this Turkey prayer initiative.
Our family is continuing to serve in Nogales as much as we can. I recently returned from a short trip.
Short story about latest trip to Nogales
Hundreds of illegal immigrants are bussed back to Nogales, Mexico each day. They are given the option to go to the Grupa Beta detention center, where they are allowed a phone call to try to get money wired so they can return to their homes in Mexico and Central and South America.
Many hang out, ashamed, scared, and not sure what to do next others are desperate to figure out how to get back into the US where some have family.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.”