Meet the Thurmans

Meet the Thurmans

April 18, 2007

Thurman Update #29 Written March 10, 2007

Last week I spent 8 days working in Nogales at the Cuirim House. I went to help Brian Donahue, who runs the ministry lead 30 College students who used their spring break as an opportunity to serve Jesus. I had many wonderful conversations over meals, as we worked, and after our daily times of prayer and worship. We wrestled with the person of Jesus Christ and how his life is relevant to our every day living.

It has been 15 months since I first started working in Nogales, and it has been amazing to see friendships strengthened and to see God use this ministry to give hope to the poor and help equip Mexican leaders to serve their own people.

Miguel is one example. As I sat with him at one point during the week, he shared how Christ had saved him from a twenty year self-destructive battle with drugs. For seven years God restored him, healed him, and gave him a family as he served at a rehabilitation center in Mexico. After the seven years in exchange for his service, the ministry gave him two pieces of land. Just a few years ago, Miguel was completely broke, but full of vision and passion to serve Jesus he began to dream about how God would use him and the property. This is where the Cuirim House ministry comes in; it has been able to provide the laborers to build the Kids Café as well as the resources for the day to day operations and also to pay Miguel and his family so that they can be free to focus on serving the community. We rejoice in our God who is able to restore and heal the broken and place the light of His Son Jesus into our lives to shine in the darkness!

Thanks for your ongoing love and support,

Love the Thurman Family!

Miguel along with his wife Mari and adult daughter Lisbeth, live next to the Kids Café property. He runs the ministry, overseeing the property, cooking the meals, and leading Bible studies with the kids.

The building with the red roof is the Kids Café, every MWF 70+ kids come and get an amazing meal, (I eat there when I am down there). Miguel’s house is just above the Kids Café. This past trip we filled in that hole you see in front of the Kids Café, built a concrete porch to wrap around the Café so there would be more room for the kids and added an addition onto Miguel’s house and replaced his roof.

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