Love indestructible in frailty appears.
Lord of infinity, stooping so tenderly,
Lifts our humanity to the heights of his throne!
O what a mystery! Meekness and majesty,
Bow down and worship for this is your God!”
-Graham Kendrick
Merry Christmas! Through your love for us you reveal the heart of our Father! Thank You! Our God is faithful! We have once again seen His abundant provisions for our family. God provided strength for us to endure many hardships and grace in relationships to forgive as well as be forgiven. He lifted our heads when we were discouraged and guided us back when in rebelliousness or ignorance we went astray. Every ministry work that God laid upon our hearts to do, He provided the resources for, and we lacked nothing. And then there is the amazing miracle of a place for us to call home! Thank You God, every good gift comes from You!
I find myself this year in a pursuit of learning to follow Jesus; becoming his apprentice. A season that I believe will lead to a life of fruitfulness no matter what assignment the Lord gives us! As I spend time with Jesus I long to see, feel, think, and hear as He does so that in all things I would respond as He would, in the small as well as the great things.
We are grateful,
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan & Keilah

This is a time when we celebrate and rejoice that Jesus came down to save us from the ways of death, and to teach us how to live ‘real’ life, and to give His own Spirit to restore us to the image of God so that we will indeed be the hands and feet of Jesus to a lost and broken world that God desires to show His love to, through us! It is also a time to remember what was told to the disciples after they spent time with the risen Christ and watched him ascend to Heaven, “this same Jesus shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go.”
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