I have been reading Henri Nouwen again lately. In a book I am reading now he shares that the spiritual life is a journey where we move from 'absurd' living to 'obedient' living. Absurd is derived from the Latin surdus which means deaf, we are deaf to the voice of God who speaks to us in our silence. The many activities in which we are involved, the many concerns that preoccupy us and all the noise that engulf us make a difficult for us to hear the small voice of God. Nouwen states, that it is as if, "the world in which we live conspires against our hearing that voice and tries to make us absolutely deaf." So we walk around wondering if all that we are giving ourselves to, is actually worth living for. We are "being filled yet unfulfilled, being busy yet bored, being involved yet lonely, these are the symptoms of the absurd life." As we continue to learn from Jesus we allow Him to teach us to listen to the Father and we move out of deafness to hearing; A hearing that affirms and directs our lives in a life of beautiful obedience.
31 of us gathered together from Arizona, Texas, and Germany
Apprenticeship to Jesus Institute July 25-31 2010
The days were framed in worship. We used the new edition of Ancient Wells for morning, midday and evening prayer.
We learned that our inner lives are transformed toward Christlikeness as we practice abiding in the Presence of God.
Team Teaching
Amy Cogdell
George Miley
George Miley taught most of the sessions. Amy Cogdell, from the Austin House of Prayer (AHOP) and myself also taught
Ryan Thurman
Here are the themes from the week:
+Practicing the Presence +Solitude and Silence +Renovation of the Heart +Apprenticeship to Jesus +Judeo-Christian History +The Process of Reconciliation +Restore the Ancient Anointings +The Messianic Jewish Movement +Inner Healing
Jason Praying the Psalms
A2J Team and Community Strengthened
Mike and Maureen reading Scripture at Agape Feast
It was great having Jason, Danny and Mike and Maureen from the A2J community together. The majority of the A2J community was at Wheaton College for a Healing Prayer Conference that was being held at the same time. These intentional time of in depth study and prayer have been a really important rhythm for the health of the A2J Leadership and community.
George and Danny talking between sessions
Thomas and Amy Cogdell and the Mileys
A2J & AHOP Relationship Strengthened!
It was over three years ago when I first visited AHOP on a trip with Jayson Knox. I stayed with the Cogdells. I immediately connected with them as a couple a further along the journey with regards to their family and Ministry.
Since that time we have continue to build relationship and currently see our two communities moving together in many ways. This retreat only confirmed and strengthened this.
AHOP is a place of prayer and misssion with a deep commitment to see reconciliation among the people of God take place. Here is a link to learn more: http://austinhouseofprayer.org/
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A2J Year Three is Beginning this September
Please come and hear new vision and find out ways you can connect with us and support this work.
We have two options; the first is Thursday August 19th, 7:00-8:30pm. The second will be Saturday August 28th 6:30pm-8:00pm. Dessert will be provided on both nights. If you think you might be able to join us please RSVP with an email reply. If you have any questions call me @ 602-791-4892
Both nights will be at our house: 1215 W. Monroe Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 (off 12th avenue and just south of Van Buren Street)
As always Noleen and I are deeply grateful for your ongoing friendship, prayer and financial support of this ministry. Thank You for your love for God and for us!
Ryan, Noleen, Ethan, Keilah, Micah, Elyana
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