May Update-Heading to Europe, House Update, and Prayer Weekend |
Dear Ryan, |
 "In Every waking hour a sacred theatre is in session, played out before an audience that is largely blind"
I read this quote this week in a book and God has been using it to work on me and show me how often I am miss seeing Him in the moments of my life because of hurry and busyness. May God give us the grace to 'ruthlessly elimante hurry from our lives.'
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"The Question is not how much are you going to accomplish? Or can you show some results? But are you in love with Jesus? In our world of brokeness and despair, there is an enormous need for men and women who know the heart of God; a heart that forgives, cares, reaches out and wants to heal."
-Henri Nouwen
Easter Weekend of Prayer for our Neighbors |

The celebration of Christ's resurrection is now upon us and our weekend of prayer has come and gone. It was a beautiful time and encouraging for so many who were involved. As we rejoiced together in the humility, love, and power of Jesus some beautiful stories are coming out that we would love to have you name with us in prayer as we continue to pursue this community in love.
- Rosie - A homeless neighbor joined us for both of the Easter plays and was moved to tears by them.
- Larry - Another homeless neighbor who was invited to have a significant role in the 2nd Easter drama along with his recently saved wife, Shelly. .
- Nancy - An isolated neighbor with a green thumb, Nancy took a big step towards relationship with us by coming over after the 2nd play to ask for prayer and physical healing for her left eye.
- Anthony - A young homeless man known by many in the neighborhood, he was ministered to powerfully and wept openly as Jason loved him and prayed for him.
- Ahmed - One of the Muslim refugees living among us, he recently willingly accepted an Arabic Bible from Ryan and also attended the 2nd act of our Easter drama which proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus.
- Ashley - The Thurman's neighbor who has been expressing a desire to come to Jesus, was able to come with her children and be ministered to by the community, specifically in a conversation with our own Amber Hunter.
- Jasmin and crew - A new neighbor in Woodland was struck by the activity at the prayer house and after circling the block several times with her neighbor and a child, stopped to ask what was going on. She was encouraged to hear she could be prayed for and could pray with others and may join us at some point.
to see more photos from the weekend click here
Jason as Jesus in the Easter play for our neighbors |
Heading to Europe |
I am leaving in about an hour for Berlin, where I will be meeting with the Antioch Network Council as we prayefully seek God's direction for Antioch Network moving forward and specifically its growing role in Europe. Please pray for our time.
After the meetings in Berlin on my way home I will meet up with Danny and we will get to visit Taize for a few days, a community that has influenced me personally. Here is a link to learn more about Taize click here |
We Got the House |
On Friday a friend of mine and I went to down to the Superiour Court offices and entered into the world of public auction. It was a challenging ordeal BUT God provided this house for us! My friend has purchased the house and he will allow us the time to continue to raise the money we need to purchase it. We still need about $25,000. Please let me know if you would like to give toward this project. Or just send a check in or give online below.
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