Meet the Thurmans

Meet the Thurmans

September 3, 2014

April 2011

Apprenticeship to Jesus Update

Dear Ryan,  

It has been almost five years since my family moved into downtown phoenix.  We were following the example of those who have gone before us following God even when they did not fully see but trusting in God to show up and reveal more of Himself along the way and give grace for each new step in the journey.   Two and a half years ago we invited four others to join us in our pursuit of learning to follow Christ and serve Him in the heart of this city.  And now there are more than twenty others pursuing this life and mission together with us and God is continuing to bring others.  Thank you for your prayers and partnership, you are helping us make a difference in the lives of young people and bring the hope and light of Christ to areas that have been in bondage to sin and darkness. 
 Apprenticeship to Jesus: A Center for Discipleship & Mission
      Training, equipping, and releasing followers of Jesus into a life of mission

Apprenticeship to Jesus (A2J) is one of a family of ministries that are part of Antioch Network.  This ministry is expressed and led by a community who are answering Jesus' call to follow Him.  Daily life for the community is structured around a shared rhythm of prayer, study, & service.  We are learning to love and serve Jesus as we learn to live with and love our brothers, sisters and neighbors-both friend and enemy alike.  The purposes is to prepare those involved for life-long discipleship that equips them for a life of partnering with God in His manifold mission here on earth.     

God has called us to the heart of the city, where there is not only great need but is also a strategic location for a center of mission and discipleship to be established that has the potential to influence the whole city and beyond. 

What will take place in this Center? 
1.     Worship:                                                 Daily and for extended seasons
2.     Intercession:                                          Daily and for extended seasons
3.     Healing:                                                   In the Presence of Jesus
4.     Discipleship:                                          Training for the soul toward Christ-likeness
5.     Teaching:                                                 For the community and guests alike
6.     Hospitality:                                            For guests whom God will bring among us
7.     Work:                                                       In support of the community life and ministry
8.     Compassion:                                          Meeting human needs in the name of Jesus
9.     Social Justice:                                        Advocating for the wronged
10.  Mentoring:                                              Especially for emerging leaders
11.  Support for churches:                          In the immediate area and beyond
12.  Sending Out:                                          Teams for the establishing of new kingdom work

 Growing Need for More Housing for A2J Ministry

Apprenticeship to Jesus operates three properties downtown.  Two of those we rent and one is owned.  Much of the ministry is funded through the venue they generate.  We are hoping to purchase one or two more houses at the current very low price, which will continue to move us toward a self-sustaining ministry. 

Vision for the Properties

1)    Housing for more young people participating in the A2J Training Program

2)     Housing for long-term A2J Leadership Team

3)    Housing for more refugees: we have a Burmese family from CCAnglican, who want to move into the community and help with the community garden (they were farmers back home). 

4)    There is a vision also to open up 'safe' houses for girls/women coming out of prostitution to find healing and a new life in Christ  

There are two properties specifically going up for public auction April 28th.  One of themactually has four young people from our community who are currently living there. This house will probably sell between $40,000-$65,000.  The second house needs a little love, but and will probably sell between $20,000-$40,000. Auction sales are cash only! 

Three possible scenarios:

1) Raise the money and have them purchased for the ministry. This is the best scenario because the property then becomes an economic engine to further the ministry.  

2) Find someone(s) who would want to buy them and keep them as a long-term investment and allow us to use them for ministry at 'cost'.  We would maintain and manage them.

3) Find someone(s) to buy them from the auction and then sell them back to the ministry though a conventional loan.

We currently have about $20,000 pledged.   Would you consider giving towards this project?  Please reply to this email or call me with questions or if you would like to partner with us.  Ryan's cell 602-791-4892. 

1221 W. Woodland
1319 W. Woodland


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