Meet the Thurmans

Meet the Thurmans

September 3, 2014

September 2013

Pray 24/7 for 1322

It's me, Noleen again, my yearly writing I suppose :)  So as many of you have been asking me about 1322, the house just down the street from us....well the owners just came to us yesterday to say they are ready to sell! That in it self is a huge answer to prayer; it has been six months of silence from them. I know we are still a long way off though and God alone knows what is in store. For those of you who may not know, it is the only house in our small historical neighborhood that would double our tiny square footage, and be room enough for 4 rapidly growing children, and I mean rapidly...have you seen Micah, he's huge...passed big sister, now he's aiming to catch big brother.

I have just left them a message and am waiting to hear back from them, to find a time for the four of us to sit down and talk together hopefully this coming week. We will keep you posted on when it is scheduled.

We already know there are going to be many hurdles in front of us. But none of them are to large for God to help us jump over, if it is His will. In the brief conversation that Ryan had with the owner yesterday as she stopped by, we already know that they are wanting way more than the house is worth. And that they are upside down on what they owe, and are trying to get some of their loan forgiven.

I am excites me to think of the possibilities, but again I find myself hesitant to step back into it. I am going to choose to lay my heart out there, not knowing the outcome. But the way I see it, first of all we owe it to God to pursue the house after almost a year of praying and the fact that they did come back to us and are "offering" it to us is amazing. And our sweet children too, who still fervently pray for 1322, all on their own account. Our littlest prayer warrior at almost 4, Elyana, still asks me to drive by 1322 so we can pray.   If I don't physically stop in front of the house and just try to do a slow "drive-by-prayer". Oh, she is sure to let me know, "Mama, we have to stop so I can pray!".

So I figure lets go for it!! I choose to, again, step into the unknown, trusting that God has what is best for this Thurman family here in downtown Phoenix. Even just sitting here typing these words, and the thought of allowing my self to be vulnerable to His plan, clay in the Potter's hands and bringing my family along for the ride too...has my heart pounding and tears streaming down my is hard to type while crying too, I can't see!!

Please once again join us, and I know many of you have not stopped praying, but in this next season for 1322. Pray that we will be able to meet with the owners soon. Pray that the owners will have a heart for us as a family and be willing to sell at a reasonable price. Pray that the bank holding their loan has mercy on them and is willing to forgive a portion of what they owe. Pray for the protection of our hearts in this season, that we continue to lean heavily on our BIG GOD, and for what HE has in store for us. Especially our sweet children, as we walk down this road as a family, may their faith deepen and grow through this experience.

Thank you for all of you who walk this life with us, praise be to His name!       ~Noleen


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